Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Homemade Tortillas - Beer Battered Tortillas DIY

Ever buy tortillas at the store, and find them old, crusty, and tasting like cardboard? I recently ventured into making my own fresh homemade tortillas, and I'll share how to do it right here on DIY-Homebrew.

What's the connection to beer brewing? Well, we use beer instead of water in the ingredients!

Now I know some of you will take a look at the flour I'm using, and say "That's cheating!"  I suppose it is.  I haven't tried to actually mix and prep the tortilla flour from scratch, and would welcome suggestions in the comment boxes below.

Start off with Tortilla Flour.

In a mixing bowl, follow the instructions (typically 2 cups flour and a 1/2 cup water).  EXCEPT, substitute beer or a 1/2 cup of your homebrew in place of the water.

Mix and cover with a damp cloth.  Let it sit for about 20 minutes.

Remove the dough, and begin the process of folding the dough in upon itself.  Keep folding it and flattening the dough out, as you can see below.

When you have a nice, consistent, well packed dough ball, slightly flatten it out and slice into 1.5 or 2 inch

Roll the pieces into small balls and set aside.  These will be your tortillas.

Begin by spreading flour out on a smooth surface.  Grab a dough ball and flatten it with your hand.

Grab your rolling pin and go to work.

It's hard to make a perfect circle.  Often you'll end up with these odd oval shapes.

Fire up your skillet on medium-high, and when it's heated, toss a tortilla on.

Let it cook until you can see brown spots on it.  Then, flip it over.

Make a bunch to save for later, and be sure to slop on some butter and eat one right away!

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